About Department: Department of Physical Education was established in 2014-15. The department was develop the sound body and mind for every student of Agriculture and maintain the good posture and physical fitness exercises for agility, strength, coordination, endurance and speed. Every agricultural graduate should be learn the rules and regulations of Indoor and Outdoor games i.e. Basket ball, Volley ball, Cricket, Foot ball, Ball Badminton, Shuttle Badminton, Table tennis, Chess and caroms and also known to rules and regulations of Athletic events like Broad jump, High jump, Half step jump, shot put , Discus throw, Javelin throw , Runs and relays. Department was conducted many coaching camps for the participation of Inter collegiate/ ICAR sports and games meet. Department was organised sports, games, cultural & literary meets for Agriculture and Polytechnic students and staff in every year. Department was giving training in every year in Yoga asanas, First-Aid practice to avoid the injures while playing in the tournaments.
Heads :
The department was teaching UG students in Agriculture: COCA -100 (0 + 1) NSS/NCC/Physical education & Yoga practice