Dr. G. Karunasagar
Dean of Agriculture
Mobile: 0863-2347002
Email: deanagri@angrau.ac.in
Faculty of Agriculture offers B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agriculture, an undergraduate degree programme, which has been categorized as technical degree program, integrating inter-disciplinary allied sciences such as agricultural sciences, basic and applied sciences and humanities in a holistic manner giving exposure to scientific and technical aspects of agriculture. The ANGRAU develops human resources specialized in agriculture for an effective transfer of newly developed crop production technologies to farmers under various crop development schemes for sustainability in agriculture production and productivity under the direction of the Department of Agriculture, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
ANGRAU has pioneered several initiatives in educational technology which have been adopted by other State Agricultural Universities in the country. The Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWEP) is one such designed programme to impart first-hands-on- experience of rural farm situations to the undergraduate students. Besides RAWEP the students also undertake Agricultural Experiential Learning Programme (AELP) as per recommendations of ICAR to develop competence through knowledge and skill in all aspects of enterprise management. The University is also instrumental in providing world class learning experience to its students through international trainings, symposia and conferences in frontier areas like biodiversity, climate change, genetically modified crops, agri-business, nano-technology and population studies. To galvanize research in frontier areas, ANGRAU has forged effective linkages and collaborations with several institutes of National and International repute. ANGRAU has also started Agricultural Polytechnics from 1997 with an aim to training rural youth on modern agricultural technologies so as to generate basic level agricultural trained human resources.
Further, a Centre of Open and Distance Learning (ODLC) was established with the major aim to transform ANGRAU from its formal educational system to a dual and convergent mode, by adopting systems of ODL and ICT (Information & Communication Technology) so as to provide entrepreneurial skills for self-employment, continuing professional education and extension education to the rural people of the state. Establishment of Open Distance Learning Centre under the Faculty of Agriculture, ANGRAU will be vested with the responsibility of offering Distance learning program through corresponding mode viz., certificate courses and Diploma courses for the benefit of various segments of the farming community, entrepreneurs, Self help groups and other learners who aspire for knowledge in Agricultural education and Self employment.