Tirupati is strategically located in between Chennai Bangalore industrial corridor and Vizag –Chennai Industrial Corridor. As a part of curriculum, students visit to local agro- industries are facilitated so as to experience live working environment , thereby gaining knowledge and in depth exposure to various practical industrial processes. In addition, three days industrial tour is also organized to the students of Institute.
Every year during the month of February, Institute organizes an Industry interactive meet. The main aim of this event is to have interaction between agri business industry experts and the students on various agribusiness issues viz., the changing human resource needs for agribusiness domain, performance of agribusiness in the current economic scenario and implications of the govt policies on various agri business domains in addition to identifying the opportunities and scope for co-create programmes . This will not only update the knowledge of students but also understand the industry expectations from the future leaders. Further this industry interface shall give an opportunity to participating industries to know about the talent available with the institute as a ready reckoner for their future recruitments, internships and live projects.
In addition to course work students have access to participate in various national and international seminars and conferences to update current and future trends in agribusiness. Students are encouraged to attend workshops and trainings to improve their skills and technical know-how.
It is mandatory for the students to undergo industry internships for a period of two months in the first year and a final project for a period of three months in second year. Institute allows collaborations with various agribusiness industries to accommodate students for internships and projects in their areas of interest to make them ready for meeting industry requirements.