

Institutions of higher education have the main responsibilities of equipping students, researchers and faculty with advanced knowledge and skills. A well equipped and managed library is an essential prerequisite to achieve this. In particular, scientific research needs a library as well as its laboratories. Keeping this in view, the Regional Library undertakes many responsibilities and performs varied functions and it plays a vital role in the university education and research by providing invaluable resource of knowledge.

S.V.Agricultural College Library was started functioning from 07-8-1963. At the beginning 533 books were purchased by several Departments of College, formed part of the Library and some books were transferred from Agricultural College, Bapatla for immediate use by the students and staff. With the formation of APAU in 1964 the library has grow in leaps and bounds. Accordingly the libraries of S.V.Agricultural College and College of Veterinary Science were merged together on 11-08-1982 raising the library holdings to 34,488 and now separated into S.V. Veterinary University library and ANGRAU Regional Library in the year 2007. It has now grown to 32,196 volumes.

The Regional Library moved into its own functional building at S.V.Agricultural College in the year 2007. The Regional Library is kept open for 11 hours on working days and for limited hours on public holidays and Sundays. Students and staff of the College can become the members of the Library, whereas bonafide outsiders who come with the introductory letters from their institutions/ ID card provided by our University Library are permitted for consultation only.

The Library has created a database of Books, Journals, Thesis, Reports and Reference sources and it’s made available through ‘OPAC’. The library has also created databases of current periodicals, CD’s, on-line Journals subscribed and digitized database of Theses available in the Library. It also has contributed to the project Strengthening of Digital Library and Information Management under NARS (e-Granth) by setting up a work station for digitization of old resources prior to 1960, which is housed in the library building. Recently library has implemented KOHA Library Management System. The library has implemented and will adopting new technologies to keep pace with the growing information needs of the community to provide better information services.

Working Hours

Monday to Saturday  8.00 am to 6.30pm
 Sunday and Second Saturday  8.00am to 1.00pm
                         Library will be closed on Government Holidays


The library has an institutional membership base of about 800 (500 UG students, 200 PG students and 100 staff). The University Officers, Professors and Associate Professors can borrow 5 books; Assistant Professors and PG students can borrow 3 books and non-teaching staff can borrow one book at a time for a period of 30 days from the library. The UG students are eligible to borrow three books at a time for a period of 20 days.

Library Services

  • Book lending
  • Reference
  • Education (Offers Compulsory Non-Credit Course PGS 601: LIS to all PG & Ph.D research scholars)
  • Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC)
  • Reprography
  • Resource sharing through: Consortium of e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA)
  • Information download from Online sources for the benefit of Library users
  • Online Document Delivery Service (DDS)
  • SC/ST Book Bank
  • Organization of regular Information Literacy Programmes
  • Binding section


The library has a collection of about 20,980 books. Of these, more than 5,000 books are kept as reference books. The collection includes textbooks, reference books, manuals, monographs, dictionaries, encyclopedias and colour atlases. Around 100 to 200 basic to advanced books are added every year for the users of the library. Thesis/ Dissertations more than 3,800.


Collection of about 550 e-books at present and all these e-books are accessible via the e-book gateway of OPAC which is available through the Intranet connecting all the three teaching campuses and the University headquarters. E-Books like CRC Books, CABI Books and Elsevier e-Books The e-Book gateway also provides web links to major e-book gateways which are providing access to thousands of full-text e-books covering various disciplines including veterinary and animal sciences


a. Current Periodicals: Journals are the medium of scientific communication because of its up-to-datedness. The library subscribes about 22 foreign journals and 165 Indian journals.

b. Back Volumes: The old journals are hardbound and kept as Back Volumes for reference. So far, the library has built up over 6825 back volumes of journals.

c. Electronic Journals: In the electronic age, information-seeking process is made so much easier and quicker by introduction of e-journals and digital library. Falling in line with modern electronic era, the Regional Library has also activated on-line access to about 100 foreign journals and 30 Indian journals. A list of Open Access e-Journal Portals has also been compiled by the Library and web links established to those portals to ensure easy access to the invaluable journal literature. CAB Abstracts, EBSCO: e-Journals Database, CAB Online Abstract Services, INIDASTAT: Statistical Database, CMIE databases, DELNET, AgriCat, Krishikosh, Krishiprabha and and Directory of Open Access Journals.

d. Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA): In addition to its own collections, the regional library has access to Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA), an online journal consortium funded under NAIP of ICAR. CeRA provides access to about 2,800+ online journals covering various disciplines of agricultural sciences including veterinary and animal sciences.
CD-ROM/DVD Collections: The library has about 1177 CD-ROM products for the users to retrieve necessary scientific data. This collection includes databases and CD-ROM products including DVDs. The DVDs are mirrored in a DVD server and made accessible via the Library LAN Network.

Electronic Surveillance System: Electronic surveillance system has been installed in the library to ensure proper safety and security of the valuable library collection. The system consisting of IR surveillance cameras and monitors help the library administration to track the movements of the library users.

Digitization: The Library has started digitizing the theses and dissertations and currently abstracts of over 3,600 theses had been digitized and full-text of theses and dissertations submitted after 2000 are available in digital format under the Central Library, Hyderabad. Valuable old documents available in the library are identified under e-Granth project of ICAR for digitization and digitization of about 2,00,000 pages of documents are in the pipeline.

Reprographic Facilities: Photocopying facilities are available to the library users at nominal charges. To improve the services, two digital copier (scanner, printer and copier) and a digital copier had been added recently. The students and staff utilize these facilities for their reprographic requirements.

Resource Sharing: The Regional Library is a participating library under CeRA project and through this project it shares the library resources of about 123 libraries including SAU/SVU and ICAR institute libraries. Further, the library is an institutional member of the OCLC Library for resource sharing.

SC/ST Book Bank: An SC/ST Book Bank comprising of basic and advanced books has been established in the library for the benefit of SC/ST students of S.V. Agricultural College.
Information Literacy Programmes / Seminar / Workshop: The Library periodically conducts information literacy / library orientation programmes to the library users. Awareness programmes are also being conducted for the benefit of library users regularly.


The ANGRAU Regional Library has subscribed e-Resources/Online Resources to provide the latest information to the Teachers, Scientists, Extension Specialists, Students etc. to meet their research and educational information needs.

  1. CAB Online Version: provides abstract and full text data from 1990 to present with CD back up for the year 2013-2014. Online CAB Abstracting services data is very useful in formulating technical programmes, research projects, writing Ph.D. and M.Sc. theses etc.
  2. IndiaStat – Statistical Database: is an authentic storehouse for socio-economic statistics about India. Provides statistical data, current happenings with a statistical approach, articles from scholars on subjects of social and economic importance etc.
  3. e-Books Taylor & Francis: The ANGRAU Central Library has purchased more than 210 CRC Net Base e-Books on Agriculture and allied sciences which can be accessed through I.P. and User ID and Password basis. The e-Books are very much useful to the Teachers, Scientists, Extension Specialists and Students to browse the important content on agricultural and allied sciences
  4. e-Books: The ANGRAU Central Library has purchased 510 CABI e-Books on perpetual basis and on DVD. The User ID and Password will be circulated to all the Colleges of the University, Research Stations.
  5. Elsevier e-Books/e-Books on SciVerse Science Direct: Elsevier e-Books on science Direct provide the comprehensive and reliable content that researchers need, the accessibility and search ability that researchers want which alone cannot available in print sources.
  6. J-Gate Agriculture and Biological Sciences: It has also provides access to Online e-Journals Portal called J-Gate Agriculture and Biological Sciences under CeRA for the year 2013-2014 (which covers data from January 2001 to present).
  7. Krishi Prabha Indian Agricultural Doctoral Dissertations Repository service. It provides access to the Ph.D. theses of all the State Agricultural Universities and ICAR institutes in India from the year 2000 to 2007.
  8. Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture (CeRA): The ICAR has provided Consortium On-line e-Resources service called CeRA Consortium for e-Resources in Agriculture ) under NAIP project from 2008 onwards. It is providing access to nearly 2900 journals in agriculture and allied disciplines. The user ID and Passwords have been circulated to all the Colleges of the University, Research Stations and also to all the patrons of the University to utilize the e-Resources effectively.
  9. Agricat : AgriCat is the Union Catalogue of the holdings of 12 major libraries of the ICAR Institutes and SAUs. It has been created with the partnership of OCLC WorldCat. The ANGRAU Central Library is also a member library in AgriCat/World and contributed nearly 35,000 bibliographical records.
  10. Krishi Kosh: KrishiKosh is an Institutional Repository under National Agricultural Research System (NARS). The repository of knowledge in agriculture and allied sciences, having collection of old and valuable books, records and various documents spread all over the country in different libraries of Research Institutions and State Agricultural Universities (SAUs).
  • The Regional library had a humble beginning and over the years its growth has been phenomenal and transformed from “Book-only” library to a modern “Digital library” with invaluable collection of e-resources to cater to the increasing information requirements of the stakeholders.
  • Books, Periodicals, Thesis, are added to the library every year –
  • of books and other Reading Materials :           24, 078
  • Periodocals and Research Journals :           152
  • Internet with number of computers :           23
  • Collection of Volumes on different subjects
            Name of the Department No. of Books
Agricultural Economics : 1761
Agricultural Engineering : 1581
Agricultural Extension : 1603
Agronomy : 3159
Crop Physiology : 2173
English : 126
Entomology : 2082
Genetics & Plant Breeding : 2266
Horticulture : 1604
Plant Pathology : 2278
Soil Science : 1983
Statistics : 1975
IABM : 1487
Grand Total : 24,078


  Faculty profile
1.     Dr. T. Ramalakshmi Assistant Professor (LIS)


Professional Staff
1.     Sri N. Doraswamy Naidu Senior Library Assistant

2.     Sri K. Chinna Reddanna Junior Library Assistant

3.     Sri C. Chandra Sekhar Junior Library Assistant

 Office Staff
1.     Sri K. Subramanyam Office sub-ordinate

2.     Smt. N. Kamalamma Ag. Work woman

3.     Smt.B. Pushpamma Ag. Work woman