The Department of Horticulture was started during the year 1963-64 in the college to teach undergraduate courses. Later on, recognizing the importance and need in the area of horticulture, the postgraduate programme was introduced in the year 1968. The postgraduate research focused on varietal evaluation, inheritance studies, heterosis breeding, use of plant growth regulators, irrigation, nutrition and post-harvest studies in various horticultural crops like tomato, brinjal, okra, cucumber, gourds, cluster bean, mango, citrus, guava, and sapota. More than 150 students were awarded a Master’s degree in Horticulture. After the establishment of a separate Horticultural University in 2008, postgraduate degree programmes were not being offered in the department.
The department offers eight courses with a credit load of 19 for the undergraduate students
S. no | Course No. | Credits | Course title |
1 | HORT 181 | 2(1+1) | Fundamentals of horticulture |
2 | HORT 281 | 2(1+1) | Production technology of vegetables and spices |
3 | HORT 282 | 2(1+1) | Production technology for ornamental crops, medicinal and aromatic plants and landscaping |
4 | HORT 381 | 2(1+1) | Production technology of fruits and plantation crops |
5 | HORT 382 | 2(1+1) | Post-harvest management and value addition in horticultural crops |
6 | ELCT 283 | 3(2+1) | Hi-Tech Horticulture |
7 | ELCT 382 | 3(2+1) | Landscaping |
8 | ELCT 383 | 3(2+1) | Protected cultivation |
The department maintains a separate Horticulture garden in the college for instructional and research purpose for students and staff. The garden consists of propagation structures for vegetables and ornamental plants. It also maintains model fruit orchards of Mango, Guava, Ber, Custard apple, Phalsa, Pomegranate, Apple ber, Papaya, Sapota, Amla, Jack, Jamun, Indian almond, Fig, Karonda, Carambola, Rose apple, Tamarind.
The Department of Horticulture is also involved in various activities
Dr. P. Karthik Reddy. M.Sc.(Hort.), Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Vegetable Science
Mobile: 9581288439
Email: p.karthikreddy@angrau.ac.in