Dr. M. Reddi Kumar
Professor & Head
Molecular Plant Pathology, Biological Control and Mycotoxins
Mobile: 7093852057
Email: path.svagctpt@angrau.ac.in, m.reddikumar@angrau.ac.in
Dr. M.K.Jyothsna
Associate Professor
Ms.P. Arunasree
Assistant Professor
Obtained M.Sc. (Ag) from Plant Pathology, S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati in 2004 and persuing Ph.D from S.V. Agricultural College, ANGRAU, Tirupati as in-service student. She has seven and half years experience in teaching almost all UG and P.G core courses. She has been working in fungal pathology with more emphasis on biocontrol
Mobile: +91 9441762385
Email: p.arunasri@angrau.ac.in
Assistant Professor
Completed M.Sc., from Department of Plant Pathology, TNAU, Coimbatore during 2012 and Ph. D from IARI, New Delhi. He received five silver medals and five gold medals for his academic excellence during U.G and P.G programme. He was involved in the development of transgenic groundnut against peanut stem necrosis disease. Recently, he was involved in the identification and characterisation of phytoplasma associated with elephant foot yam, napier grass, plumbago and crossandra which were new reports from the world. He published more than 15 research paper in reputed national and international journals. He had keen interest in the development of rapid diagnostic kits for virus detection and to study host-pathogen interaction of viruses and/or phytoplasma with plant hosts
Mobile: +91 8121311346
Email: m.gurivireddy@angrau.ac.in
Assistant Professor
Received M. Sc. (Ag.) (2011, ICAR-JRF& Gold Medal) and Ph. D (2015, DST- INSPIRE Fellowship) Degrees from Department of Plant Pathology, Univ. of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad, Karnataka. Predominantly worked in Plant Virology discipline in characterization of viruses associated with chilli and their management and also bacteriophages characterization and utilization in biocontrol of bacterial diseases. He has one-year work experience each in Pesticide residue analysis of food grains and disease management of spice crops mainly pepper, turmeric and ginger. He has three years of extension research experience in pests and diseases of paddy, groundnut and pulse crops majorly. His line of interest is Detection and Characterization of new viral diseases and innovative management strategies for plant disease control.
Mobile: 9381171707
Email: m.pradeep@angrau.ac.in